240809금♥️We Should've Dated Online and Online Only ♥️

Описание к видео 240809금♥️We Should've Dated Online and Online Only ♥️

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♥️We Should've Dated Online and Online Only ♥️

♡ 핵심 표현
* on sale : 할인 중인
》on sale은 이미 할인 중인 상태를 표현
비슷하지만 for sale은 '판매 중'이라는 뜻임
- Is this desk on sale?
- Everything is on sale except for that one.
- I had to get this dress because it was on sale.

♡ 핵심 단어
finally 마침내
in person 직접 (만나서)
glasses 안경
flip-flop 플립플롭 (*발가락 슬리퍼, flip-flops로 사용)
something 중요한[대단한] 것[일]
totally 완전히, 전적으로
pair 한 쌍
take a raincheck 다음을 기약하다

♡ 주요 표현
1. grab a bite to eat : 간단히 먹다
》가벼운 간식 등을 먹는다고 할 때 사용, eat 뒤에 뭘 먹는지 추가하지 않음
- Let's go and grab a bite to eat.
- How about we grab a bite to eat before the show?
※ How about 평서문? : ~인 게 어때? - 24.01.16 주요표현
※ before 명사 : ~전에 - 24.07.11 주요표현

2. across the street : 길 건너에
》길 건너자마자 있다고 할 땐 right 을 추가함
- There is a bank across the street.
- I live right across the street.

3. run an errand : 심부름을 하다, 볼일을 보다
》run 대신 do를 쓰기도 함
- I have to run an errand first.
- I had to run an errand for my mom.
※ run someone's errand : ~의 심부름을 하다 - 22.12.15 주요표현

♡ 어순 영작
Are you Serina? It's me! Mayu! It's nice to finally meet you in person.
( nice 좋은 )
※ meet 목적어 in person : ~를 직접 만나다 - 23.09.15 주요표현

Oh, hey... I didn't know you wore glasses. Are those... flip-flops?

Aren't they something? They were totally on sale! Only $5 a pair!

Hey, do you want to go and grab a bite to eat? There's a Burger Queen right across the street!
( right 바로 )

I just remembered I have an errand to run. I'll take a raincheck on the lunch. Sorry.
( on the lunch 그 점심에 대해 )
※ take a raincheck - 22.06.06 주요표현

☆ 이런! 느낌
Let's grab a bite to eat.
Sure. How does chicken breast sound?


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