薑蔥桶蠔煲 - BobBob去那兒 Sauteed Oyster with Ginger and Onion - Kitchen Stuff

Описание к видео 薑蔥桶蠔煲 - BobBob去那兒 Sauteed Oyster with Ginger and Onion - Kitchen Stuff


One of Hong Kong's famous dishes, served in piping hot pot. I'll be showing you where to buy cookware as well.
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桶蠔1罐/bottled fresh oysters around 6-8 oysters
蔥四條/stalks of green onion
洋蔥半個/half an onion
薑4片/slices of ginger
蒜頭2個/cloves of garlic
辣椒1條(隨意)/ 1 red chilli (optional)
紹興酒少許/1 tsp of Chinese cooking wine
白胡椒粉半茶匙/half tsp of white pepper
鹽少許/salt to taste
蠔油兩湯匙/tbsp of oyster sauce
老抽半茶匙/half tsp of dark soy sauce
水或雞湯半杯/half cup of water or chicken stock

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