廣州東華東路!人氣最旺!最好吃的炸醬麵!恩寧劉福記!東川路雲香樓變成大家樂?美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!東山口!酒店價格!食在大灣區!米芝蓮推薦!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州東華東路!人氣最旺!最好吃的炸醬麵!恩寧劉福記!東川路雲香樓變成大家樂?美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!東山口!酒店價格!食在大灣區!米芝蓮推薦!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #炸醬麵 #雲香樓

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/PtQv5g7nuncHf...
餐廳消費:OK炸醬撈全蛋麵 ¥17,傳統上湯鮮肉淨雲吞 ¥17
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/owvwxDDK1ztp1...
餐廳消費:SOE美式咖啡+芥末籽爆汁肉腸包 ¥20
1956年被公私合營,同年將鄰近的聚英、喜寶茶樓員工拼入雲香茶樓。 1958年投資480萬元,對茶樓進行全面裝修改造,更新設備,擴建了四樓和三樓(三樓食街),並更名為雲香酒樓。
1994年雲香酒樓進入廣州市飲食服務企業十強之列。 1998年,酒樓實施股份合作制經營。未結業前的雲香酒樓,原為廣州千禧年後尚存的最老四間茶樓之一(另三:榮華樓、陶陶居、蓮花樓)。 2011年廣州市公佈的第三批老字號名單中有雲香酒樓。
Yunxiang Restaurant is an old restaurant located in the east of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. It is also known as Yunxiang Restaurant. It was founded in the 30th year of Emperor Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1904). It was led by Zheng Yunzhuo of Jixiangtang and 8 people participated in the investment. 5,000 taels of silver was the opening capital. It was originally named Yunxiang Tea House. When it opened, it was a two-story brick-wood structure with tiled roof. It mainly sold tea and cakes. It was famous for making dragon and phoenix gift cakes and Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes. It was known as Lianxiang in the West and Yunxiang in the East. In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Qianjian Street (now Donghua East Road) was opened to the road, and Yunxiang Tea House was rebuilt into a three-story building in the Lingnan architectural style.
In 1956, it was jointly operated by the public and private sectors. In the same year, the employees of the nearby Juying and Xibao Tea Houses were merged into Yunxiang Tea House. In 1958, an investment of 4.8 million yuan was made to renovate the tea house, update the equipment, expand the fourth floor and the third floor (the third floor food street), and it was renamed Yunxiang Restaurant.
Yunxianglou, like Ronghualou in Xiguan, was once a gathering place for Cantonese opera fans. Every afternoon, the opera troupe would open at Yunxianglou on time. Yunxianglou’s products include Yunxiang Xiangui Chicken, Peking Goose and Ice Flower Egg Sandwich (once an award-winning delicacy for Guangzhou’s famous dishes), which are highly praised by customers. There is also a signature dish, roast goose with plums.
In 1994, Yunxiang Restaurant was listed among the top ten catering service companies in Guangzhou. In 1998, the restaurant implemented a joint-stock cooperative operation. Before closing, Yunxiang Restaurant was one of the four oldest teahouses in Guangzhou that survived the millennium (the other three: Ronghualou, Taotaoju, and Lianxianglou). Yunxiang Restaurant was included in the third batch of time-honored brands announced by Guangzhou in 2011.
In March 2015, Yunxiang Restaurant announced its closure due to issues such as equity distribution.


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00:00 Intro
00:33 東華東路/為什麼東山稱為東山口?
04:28 飯店推薦/龜崗大馬路飯店450元一晚/附近美食推薦
11:20 東華東路人氣最旺/恩寧劉福記/OK炸醬撈全蛋麵/傳統上湯鮮肉淨雲吞
17:42 20元soc咖啡味道如何?貴嗎?
25:15 搭巴士遊廣州?
27:58 百年雲香酒家變成大家樂?
32:35 東華西路美食推薦/三角市市場
41:34 文德路甜點店的「溏心風暴」
43:48 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #chinese food vlog #chinese food tour #food tourism #china tourist #china tour 2024 #food tour in china #vlog study #canton cuisine #廣州 #東華東路 #炸醬面 #東川路 #雲香樓 #大家樂 #美食 #美食推薦 #旅遊 #旅遊攻略 #交通路線 #東山口 #酒店價格 #大灣區 #米芝蓮


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