Street Fighter 2: World Warrior [Arcade] New Boss version - Sagat

Описание к видео Street Fighter 2: World Warrior [Arcade] New Boss version - Sagat

This is an updated version of the Street Fighter 2 World Warrior Boss version which allows the player to select and control the 4 bosses (Balrog, Vega, Sagat and M.Bison). Read on...

In this version, all 4 bosses are virtually perfect to their CPU versions and play flawlessly.

In this video, I've casually played through the game with Sagat as a demonstration. Obviously being a boss character, his basic moves are all heavy hits no matter whether you use Light or Medium Punches or Kicks.

In this newer update of the game, the player version of Sagat matches the original CPU version virtually perfectly, and there are no problems or freezes.

===== Additional Information =====

---- I mention above that Sagat matches the CPU version "virtually" perfectly. The reason why I say "virtually" is because that, if you remember in the original arcade version of SF2:WW, CPU Sagat does NOT have any punch/kick sound effects when he performs his basic ground basics. In this new version, he actually has sound effects for these moves... but the CPU Sagat also HAS sound effects for these moves too. So in that sense, you could say that the player Sagat matches the CPU Sagat perfectly for this version of the game at least. Maybe it wasn't possible to exclude the sound effects, considering he takes E.Honda's slot. So is the addition of sound effects for his basic ground basics good or bad when it comes to the relation of original SF2WW Sagat? I'll leave you to decide.

---- He recovers absurdly quickly from his Tiger projectiles, just like the original CPU Sagat.

---- In the earlier version of this game, you could rarely get his jumping Forward/Back flying kick to work. No such problems any more.

---- If you complete the game with him, you get E.Honda's ending.

---- He is fully functional on the Continue screen, if you press Start he has the "Tiger" voice.

---- Even though the game is SF2WW, you will still get to face CPU Sagat as well.


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