Saving glossy black-cockatoos in the Southern Highlands

Описание к видео Saving glossy black-cockatoos in the Southern Highlands

The glossy black-cockatoo is an icon of the NSW Southern highlands. This vulnerable species is declining in numbers due to the clearing of hollow-bearing trees and Allocasuarina species, their most important food source. The Glossies in the Mist project aims to identify key feeding trees and map nesting hollows to help secure foraging and breeding habitat for the glossy black-cockatoo within the Great Western Wildlife Corridor. This project relies on private landowners reporting glossy black-cockatoo sightings. We also need your help to map stands of Allocasuarina and assess feeding and hollow-bearing trees on your properties.

This project is led by the NSW Government’s Saving our Species program in partnership with Wingecarribee Shire Council, Friends of the Glossies, Australian Plant Society, Forestry Corp NSW, Local Land Services and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Find out more about Glossies in the Mist:


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