Birds of the Inner West

Описание к видео Birds of the Inner West

Explore the diversity of inner west birds and the impact that the 2019 bushfires and COVID 19 has had. Find out more about seasonal changes and the new birdscaping backyards project near the GreenWay (Dulwich Hill) and how we can encourage small birds to our backyard gardens when providing the appropriate habitat.

Doctor Holly Parsons is the Urban Bird Program Manager for BirdLife Australia. She has a love for the birds that live where people live and has been involved in the largest project in the Urban Bird Program, Birds in Backyards, since it began in 1999. A particular favourite of hers is the Superb Fairy-wren and it is the species she did her PhD on - examining just what life is like in the suburbs for this bird.

Jo Blackman is a long-term resident of the Inner West and a member of the Inner West Environment Group (IWEG) for almost 20 years. With increasing pressure for building development, the former Marrickville Council approached IWEG to record and monitor native birds in the remaining bush pockets and in particular the GreenWay. IWEG now does a survey every fortnight with more than 20 regular attendee’s and 100 people receiving the newsletter.

Dr Holly Parsons and Jo Blackman are speaking with Pilar Angon, Environment Officer.

#Birds #Environment #InnerWest #Habitat #Library


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