失敗しない折り込みのポイントを全て見せます!ストロベリージャムローフの作り方 Strawberry jam loaf /パン作りはもっと楽しくなる😊

Описание к видео 失敗しない折り込みのポイントを全て見せます!ストロベリージャムローフの作り方 Strawberry jam loaf /パン作りはもっと楽しくなる😊

生地は30%の準強力粉をブレンドして 絶妙なサクふわ食感を実現しましたので、

This bread is everyone's favorite strawberry jam bread 🍓
I made a fluffy and delicious bread with a homemade strawberry jam sheet woven in. 🙌
There have been many times when I almost cried because the sheet protruded from the dough when I folded the loose sheet. But 😁 🤭 I will introduce you how to fold the sheet without making a mistake and cautions, so please enjoy it with me 🤗 😘
The dough is blended with 30% extra-strength flour to achieve an exquisite crunchy and fluffy texture.
Even if it's just the dough, you can use it for other bread and enjoy it. 😄

Strawberry jam loaf


強力粉(ゴールデンヨット) 175g
準強力粉(リスドォル) 75g
インスタントドライイースト 3g
砂糖 10g
バターミルクパウダー 6g
塩(ゲランドの塩 ) 3g
無塩バター 10g
水 160g

いちごジャム 100g
強力粉  20g
コーンスターチ 5g
水 50g
電子レンジ600W 1分加熱し、よくかき混ぜて再び電子レンジ600W 2分加熱しジブロック(13cm×18cm Sサイズ)※ラップで15cm×15cmで包んで頂いても大丈夫です。

いちごの粒ジャム 10g

一次発酵 35℃ 40分程度で生地が1.5倍ぐらいになるまで発酵させる。
二次発酵 35℃ 40分程度


ベンチタイム後に35cm×18cmに伸ばし、折り込みシートをのせて縦40cmぐらいまで伸ばして三つ折り、生地を90度回転させて同様に伸ばしてもう一度三つ折りする。伸びにくくなってきたら冷蔵庫で10分程度休ませて再び伸ばして30cm× 18cmまで伸ばして生地の下から真ん中までにいちごの粒ジャムをのせて手前から半分の生地まで巻く。

190℃ 27分

食パン型 一斤
外寸 :20×8×8Hmm

Strawberry jam loaf

175g bread flour (Golden Yacht)
75g semi strong flour (LydDor)
3g instant dry yeast
10 g sugar
6g buttermilk powder
(skim milk can be substituted)
3 g salt (salt of Guerande)
(Can be substituted with regular salt.
10 g unsalted butter
160 g water

Strawberry jam sheet
100 g strawberry jam
20 g strong flour
5g cornstarch
50g water
☝️How to make 🙌️.
Put flour, cornstarch and water in a bowl, stir well and add strawberry jam.
Microwave 600W for 1 minute, stir well and microwave again 600W for 2 minutes, then diblock (13cm x 18cm S size) *You can also wrap it in plastic wrap 15cm x 15cm.
Put it in the diblock and stretch it out so that it lies flat, then chill it in the refrigerator.

10 g strawberry jam

First fermentation: Ferment at 35℃ for 40 minutes until the dough is about 1.5 times its original size.
(*Because the fermentation proceeds with the folding process, the fermentation is finished at a point before the completion of fermentation.
Second fermentation: 35°C, 40 min.

Bench time
Stretch the dough with cotton swabs without dividing it into portions and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

After the bench time, roll out the dough into 35cm x 18cm, place a folded sheet on top, roll out to about 40cm in length, fold into thirds, turn the dough 90 degrees, roll out the same way, and fold into thirds again. When it becomes difficult to stretch, let it rest in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes, stretch it again to 30cm x 18cm, put strawberry jam from the bottom to the middle of the dough, and roll it up from the front to the half of the dough.
Cut the top half of the dough lengthwise into 12 equal pieces and cover with the rolled dough.
Bake in the mold with the closed end facing down.

Baking time
190℃ for 27 minutes
Immediately after baking, brush with unsalted melted butter (10g).

Molds used
Bread pan, 1 loaf
Outer dimension: 20 x 8 x 8Hmm

MUSIC index
1. Sleepy + Hungry - baegel
2. Nicer - Houses On The Hill
3. I Did It All For You - Victor Lundberg
4. Head My Way - Evelynn Ray
5. Golden Things - Kylie Dailey
6. Vintage Dream - Mathilda June
7. Sweat On Me (Jazz Version) - Hara Noda
8. Golden Skin - Sarah, the Illstrumentalist
9. Ever Since - Helmut Schenker
10.Like Paradise - waykap

All songs are copyrighted by Epidemic sound.



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