折り込まないデニッシュ❗️ゴロゴロオレンジ🍊で爽やか夏パン🙌 ✨パン作りの妄想が止まりません😁

Описание к видео 折り込まないデニッシュ❗️ゴロゴロオレンジ🍊で爽やか夏パン🙌 ✨パン作りの妄想が止まりません😁

Orange Danish bread


★食パン 1斤型
牛乳 40g
水  90g
砂糖 5g
インスタントドライイースト 4g
※オーブンの発酵機能 35℃ 10分

砂糖 20g
卵 26g
バターミルクパウダー 6g
塩(ゲランドの塩 ) 3g
無塩バター  20g

無塩バター 50g ※常温に戻しておく
オレンジパウダー 20g

②ドライマンダリンオレンジ 50g〜70g

一次発酵 35℃ 35分程度で生地が1.5倍ぐらいになるまで発酵させる。
二次発酵 室温(25℃程度)で60分程度で端の方を指で押して跳ね返りはあって少し指の形が残るぐらいまで発酵


1. ベンチタイム後、1つ目の生地を20cm× 20cmの正方形に伸ばし、オレンジバターを塗って、その上から2つ目の長方形に伸ばした生地を被せる。
2. 3つ目、4つ目の生地も同様に被せて、重ねた生地を優しくめん棒で押さえて、ラップをして30分冷蔵庫で休ます。
3. 30分後、生地を30cm× 27cmぐらいに伸ばし、縦に12等分にカット。
4. カットした6つの生地にマンダリンオレンジをのせて、残りの6つの生地をオレンジをのせた生地に2枚重ねにする。
5. 2枚重ねした生地、3本で三つ編みし、くるくると巻いて型に入れる。
6. 残りの3本も同様にして型に入れ、二次発酵。

塗り卵 適量
200℃ 10分
180℃ 15分

一斤型 18.5×9.5×h9cm

Orange Danish bread
Danish-style bread that can be made even in summer because it doesn't fold.

★a loaf of bread
Milk 40 g
Water 90 g
5 g sugar
4g instant dry yeast
*The fermentation function of the oven is 35 degrees for 10 minutes.

(Bread dough ingredients)
130 g bread flour (Haruyutaka blend)
130 g extra-strength flour (risdor)
20 g sugar
26 g eggs
6g buttermilk powder
(You can substitute skim milk.)
3 g salt (Gelland's salt)
(Regular salt can be substituted.)
20 g unsalted butter

① Mix the orange powder with the unsalted butter at room temperature.
50 g unsalted butter * Bring to room temperature
Orange powder 20 g
*Buy Mujirushi Ryohin
Blood Orange & Italian Lemon

② Dry Mandarin Orange: 50 g to 70 g
*Tomizawa Shoten Purchase
*As much as you like! I used 70 g.
*Please blanch before use.

(Suggestions for fermentation)
Primary fermentation Let dough rise for about 35 minutes at 35 degrees until it becomes about 1.5 times larger.
Secondary fermentation: At room temperature (about 25 degrees Celsius) for about 60 minutes, push the edges with your fingers and ferment until there is some bounce and the shape of your fingers remains.

(Bench time)
After the first rising, divide the dough into 4 pieces, roll into balls, and let sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

1. After bench time, roll out the first dough into a 20 cm x 20 cm square, spread with orange butter, and top with the second rectangle of dough.
2.Cover the third and fourth dough in the same way, gently press the layered dough with a rolling pin, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3.After 30 minutes, roll out the dough to about 30 cm x 27 cm and cut it lengthwise into 12 equal pieces.
4. Place the mandarin orange on top of each of the six cut pieces of dough, then double layer the remaining six pieces of dough on top of the orange.
5.Two layers of dough, braided with three strands and rolled into a mold.
6. Repeat the process with the remaining 3 stalks, transfer to a mold and let rise for the second time.

an amount of coated egg
Preheat the oven to 230 degrees.
10 minutes at 200 degrees C
15 minutes at 180 degrees C

(Mold used)
A loaf pan, 18.5 x 9.5 x h 9 cm



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