Brain on Fire! - Muddis's story

Описание к видео Brain on Fire! - Muddis's story

Welcome to our channel! Today, I'm excited to share with you the compelling story of Muddis, one of my favourite patients, and his remarkable journey with limbic encephalitis—a condition that gained widespread attention through the film and book "Brain on Fire."
Contrary to what I say in the video - Muddis wasn't rescued but rehomed by current caregivers when his previous owners moved and were no longer able to give him access to outdoors.
Limbic encephalitis is an inflammatory disorder affecting the limbic system of the brain, often autoimmune or paraneoplastic in nature. In some countries feline limbic encephalitis is called feline complex partial cluster seizure with orofacial involvement (FEPSO) or Feline hippocampal and piriform lobe necrosis (FHN).
Limbic encephalitis is an inflammatory disorder that targets the limbic system of the brain. It can be autoimmune or paraneoplastic in nature, leading to a range of neurological and behavioural signs. Interestingly, in veterinary medicine, a similar condition in cats is known as feline limbic encephalitis, also referred to as feline complex partial cluster seizures with orofacial involvement (FEPSO) or feline hippocampal and piriform lobe necrosis (FHN).
In this video, I'll walk you through the process of diagnosing limbic encephalitis, introducing my three-tier level of confidence in diagnosis. We'll also delve into the management strategies that can help patients like Muddis navigate this challenging condition. Join me as we explore this fascinating and complex medical journey.

00:00 Introduction
00:35 Muddis's story part 1
Contrary to what I say in the video - Muddis wasn't rescued but rehomed by current caregivers when his previously owners moved and were no longer able to give him access to outdoors.
03:45 Temporal lobe seizures
06:00 Feline Limbic encephalitis
09:07 MRI changes
12:00 Pathophysiology of limbic encephalitis
15:30 Pathology Limbic encephalitis
16:51 Diagnostic testing
18:00 What causes limbic encephalitis
20:09 Rusbridge three-tier confidence level for diagnosis
22.36 Treatment of Limbic encephalitis
24:00 Muddis's story part 2

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