星期二特写 | 情牵新马2 第2集:怡保

Описание к видео 星期二特写 | 情牵新马2 第2集:怡保

04/09/2018 播出北马霹雳州首府怡保,上世纪因盛产锡矿而繁荣一时。这里是当今歌影视红人朱咪咪,和石灰企业家李世杰的出生之地。无独有偶,两人都在十二三岁离乡别井,来到新加坡打拼:一个在酒廊唱歌,一个当装修学徒,因为读书不多,吃尽不少苦头,也尝尽人情冷暖。可是经过多年的努力,两人如今已创出一番傲人的成就,也拥有幸福的家庭。他们的背后有什么故事?

#Myconnectionsg2 Episode 2: Ipoh
Ipoh is the capital city of Perak in Northwestern Malaysia, where it used to be prosperous because of its tin mining industry. Here is also the birthplace of Mimi Choo, a renowned veteran artiste, and Lee Sey Kit, a successful entrepreneur in construction industry. Incidentally, both left their hometown at very young age and started working in Singapore. Mimi learnt to be a singer whereas Lee became a construction apprentice. Both also lived in poor environments and went through lots of hardship before achieving their success in career and family today. This episode unfolds their stories behind.


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