Dormitory Options at PUMS

Описание к видео Dormitory Options at PUMS

A few of our lovely residential advisors (RAs) recorded a quick tour of each dormitory building so you can get a glance inside and decide which dorm is for you—and see how much space you’re working with as you pack! There are definite perks to each dorm as they’re a little different from one another, but we hope this video and the information online provides enough info to assess the details of each option and choose the best one for you!

Here you’ll find the official link to PUMS information on Dormitory accommodations through the school:

Also, the English Program’s Student Union (EPSU) assists with all student-related activities at the University and—together with the RA’s—has assembled a thorough outline of the move-in process for new students. You can find that here!

For those of you who are interested, there are four options for dormitory living: Karolek, Medyk, Aspirynka, and Eskulap. These options are available for English and Polish students of the MD and DDS programs and are located close to one another, as well as to a few university buildings and the main library. For DDS students, a vast majority of your classes will be within 5 minutes of any dorm, while MD students are about a 25 minute walk from their main building for first and second year classes. Overall, dorm living is an affordable and reliable way to meet more people while being in a convenient location during your studies!

In order to sign up for dormitory accommodations, you’ll need to send your dorm request via which is available only to students who have paid their first tuition installment. This process should be outlined in your welcome emails upon acceptance. Your onboarding representative can answer any basic questions you have about this!

All first years will be placed in a double room with a roommate. Towards the end of the year, some single rooms will become available (particularly Eskulap) and if you are willing to pay double, you can take advantage of living alone!

KAROLEK — 600 PLN + hot water, electricity, laundry

You only need 2 weeks notice to vacate the dorms, but need to alert administration of your intentions to leave as well as schedule time for the RA/admin team to come inspect your room upon moveout if you’d like to receive your refundable dormitory deposit back. The deposit is 1500 PLN and will be received in full via bank transfer within a month after vacating.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments!


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