GBO2: FF Nu, Mixed Maps

Описание к видео GBO2: FF Nu, Mixed Maps

Another FF Nu Video! This was before HWS dropped!

As usual let's recap. FF Nu has 1 long funnel that can lock on the same way the normal funnels can. You lose the funnel shield that all other Nu's has, for a ranged x2 shot fire with x4 shots before OH your Funnel on your arm. You can also fully charge for a heavy stagger shot, this overheats you. You still keep the shield beam shot, and the x4 missile. However the missiles fire x2 in rapid fire, compared to the 1 x4 shots that Normal Nu has. The Vulcans are also really good, letting you funnel into Vulcans to chase someone down, usually you can break their MA before they reach you. You are prayign that your funnel RNG does hit them though, try to launch your funnel and get a few shots of that first before going in.

The BR stuns faster compared to the Normal Nu Rifle, but has a shorter rapid fire range. It can still full charge to fire for a ranged stun. The Bazooka gives FF Nu the ability to boost and fire, similar to how Sinanju's special skill lets it boost and fire with its BR. Only difference is that Sinanju can stop all MA when the skill is active as long as its boosting, lasting for 1 minute. FF Nu cant stop everyone regardless of MA, but In exchange FF Nu can be much more aggressive with its play. However, this is a high risk high reward as you are going to want to get close with it. Meaning you will have to fight generals that can 1 combo you if not careful. A downswing is guaranteed off of a bazooka shot when timed correctly, since you are boosting to them already and your MA is in effect. Meaning you Bazooka into DS into whatever combo you prefer. You also get a melee heavy attack, that has a large AOE (Area of Effect) as you spin around and kick for its animation. The kick is part of the heavy, so its not just the saber that needs to make contact. This lets you hit everyone near you, at any direction as long as they are in the AoE. You can also guarantee a Heavy attack after a Heavy stagger or tackle. Abuse this on low melee res suits!

Overall this suit is a real solid pick still, even after the intro of Norn, HWS Nu, and the Sinanju and Sazabi buffs. With that said, you HAVE to play more careful now. 700 in general has gotten much harder for raids since a few generals were buffed, pair that with HWS's shield absorbing a lot of hits and ignoring vulcans. You have a lot on your plate to deal with. I recommend using the BR over the Bazooka if your new. If your not new I still recommend the BR for a safer game, I pick the Bazooka to deal with FA ZZ easier, as they were common at that time. Now? Bring the BR with all the HWS's around.

In fight one I got to play really aggressive, which is a feels good when raid. with that said I fucked up twice, and got seperated and fought 2 norns when i shouldn't of. Positioning is really important now for 700 raids, PAY ATTENTION! In the second fight i was sweating. 33% Diversions bro... and i mostly fought Norns and Unicorns as my dumb ass for some reason struggled to find the support, Almost every time i guessed their spot i was wrong. I still like FF Nu, but fuck man where is my Banshee buffs. I miss that suit...


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