Needle in Cotton - Tibetan White Crane Kung Fu

Описание к видео Needle in Cotton - Tibetan White Crane Kung Fu

Lines 1 and 2 of Needle in Cotton soft set from Tibetan White Crane (Pak Hok Pai) Kung Fu.

The Cotton Needle form, also called “Needle in Cotton”, or Min Lui Jum, is performed on 14 raised platforms. The platforms are at 30 degree angles from each other.

The form is separated into 7 lines or sections of movement. The first 6 sections comprise the core form while the last may be considered its own set and is sometimes performed separately from the first six.

Needle in Cotton contains combat techniques, but may also be performed for health as its motions and breath work have a healing effect on the body when performed correctly. It is meditative in practice and develops agility, coordination and precision of aim and body position.

Cotton Needle is meant to be practiced as “peace through movement.” The movements are slow, relaxed and in tune with the breath-work. There is a continuous shifting of the body, forward and backward, with the weight transferred smoothly in a 90% / 10% distribution. At all times the body is relaxed and breathing is soft, smooth and coordinated with the movement. Generally, motions reaching out are in sync with breathing out. The slower the practitioner breathes, the slower the movements and the greater the benefit. The entire form can take up to 30 minutes to complete.

Min Lui Jum is a treasure of Pak Hok Pai system and is an advanced technique of Tibetan Chi Kung that will carry the practitioner into a healthy and long life.


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