small original composition 13: Skeleton Waltz

Описание к видео small original composition 13: Skeleton Waltz

When the church bell rings 12 times at midnight, two spirits rise again and their skeletons dance to feel alive. For my 13th original composition, the orchestra joins in with the dance working towards a spirited finale.

This week the theme of the Music Weeklies Challenge is the theme Skeleton and with me feeling not very well, I could relate.... okay it's not that bad, I'll be completely recovered soon. After a few weeks being away from my computer being ill, I'm slowly feeling better. While writing text still takes ages, writing music is a better way to get back on track, at least that's how it is for me. Anyways, I'm a huge fan of pieces like Bald Mountain and Danse Macabre, as well as the music from ghost rides in theme parks. This original composition could as well have been called 'Danse a little less Macabre'. I hope you enjoy it, I did anyways.

My plan is to release my first Cubase project soon. Musescore is great and it will take me weeks to get to the same quality in Cubase, but hopefully I can make even higher quality music then!

Cover art made with canva and the Imagen AI image generator.

#musescore4 #musescore #musesounds #originalsong #originalmusic #originalcomposition #skeleton #ghostmusic #musicweeklieschallenge #waltz


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