Do this Workout at Home!

Описание к видео Do this Workout at Home!

This Bodyweight Workout is perfect for those of you who are stuck inside right now.

Each movement is specifically designed to improve your Mobility and your overall Longevity, as well as strengthening and conditioning!

MOVEMENT PREP: Prime Your Body.
[2 Rounds, Minimal Rest in between Rounds]

Movement 1.
Alternating Sit Through (8 Reps)
CUES: Drive seated hip into the floor and keep it close to your stabilising arm. Maintain a 'Table Top' spine when transitioning to the opposite side, and lengthen through the spine once seated. Use other arm as opposition by pushing it against your leg, opening up the hips, keeping you upright. Inhale to transition, exhale and hold position.

Movement 2.
Alternating Shinbox Extension with Reach (8 Reps)
CUES: Keep glutes connected with the floor throughout. Minimise any movement of the feet, they should be in the exact same place as where you started (the more movement, the tighter your hips). Foot should be touching your opposite knee (Shinbox position). Inhale and tuck your pelvis under to lift into Extension (exhale). Inhale and extend arm. Exhale and replace. Maintain a tucked pelvis to lower back into your Shinbox position.

Movement 3.
Scapular Push Up (15 - 20 Reps)
CUES: Start in Plank, hands directly under shoulders, keeping glutes low, pelvis tucked. Engage your core. Draw shoulders back, away from your ears, engaging your scapula muscles by pinching your shoulder blades together. Lock out arms (no bend in elbows). Retract and protract your scapulas. Movement is minimal.

MAIN CIRCUIT: Move With Intent.
[3-4 Rounds, 90 Seconds Rest in between Rounds]

Movement 1.
Flow: Inchworm to Plank to mountain Climber to Step Through (6 Reps)
CUES: Roll down through the spine, walk hands out to Plank (Inchworm). lift and place one foot next to the same side hand, push bent knee into armpit (Mountain Climber), lengthen spine, straighten back leg, keep shoulders down and back. Engage core, lift (straightened) back leg, as well as the opposite arm, and thread the leg through the middle of your stabilising arm and planted foot (Step Through). Keep stabilising arm locked with the hip close to it, keep hips above the floor, pointed toes just above the ground.

Movement 2.
Split Squat (6 Reps/Side)
CUES: Start in a wide lunge. Engage core, tuck pelvis under, draw shoulders down and back, maintain a proud chest. Inhale as you begin to lower yourself into a Split Squat by bending the front knee. Go as far down as you can go. Knee should be over toes. Back leg can touch the floor lightly. Exhale, engage the core and the glutes to push through your front leg back up to your starting position. Keep torso upright throughout.

Movement 3.
Side Kick Through (10-16 Reps)
CUES: Start on your hands and toes, 'Table Top' spine (quadruped position).
Initiate the Kick Through by simultaneously lifting the opposing arm and leg. Exhale and thread the lifted leg underneath the body, straighten and keep parallel to the ground, drive opposite elbow back, in line with your shoulder. Stabilising arm stays locked out. Core muscles stay engaged throughout the movement.

DECOMPRESSION: Aid Your Recovery.
[1 Round, Rest as Needed]

Decompression Flow: Alternating Floor Scorpion to Pigeon Pose
(6 Slow Reps)
CUES: Start face down, chest, hips and toes touching the ground, arms stretched out to either side. Bend at one knee, foot facing the ceiling, drive the heel up and take the leg over the opposite thigh and place the foot down (touching). Exhale and allow the rotation in the torso, whilst keeping the arm reaching in the opposite direction. Drive the bent knee backward to open up the hips. Inhale and replace the leg. Lift the chest, take the same leg through into a pigeon Pose (aim for 90-degrees). Place hands either side of foot and knee, fold chest over leg and exhale, maintaining a straight spine. Inhale and replace.

For more Bodyweight Workouts, check out my IG pages:
  / steph.rose.phase6  
  / phase6fitness  

Bodyweight Workout Program:


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