【梅菜扣肉】团圆饭少不了的扣肉,吃了蒸蒸日上! | Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetables

Описание к видео 【梅菜扣肉】团圆饭少不了的扣肉,吃了蒸蒸日上! | Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetables


材料 Ingredients:
1) 半公斤的五花肉 500g of pork
*把猪肉、姜片、葱结和料酒汆烫20分钟 Blanching pork with ginger, green onion, and cooking wine for 20 minutes

2)100克的梅菜(咸或甜都可以)100g of preserved vegetables (salted or sweet preserved vegetables)
*炒梅菜的调味料有一汤匙的冰糖、一汤匙的酱油、一汤匙的蚝油、半汤匙的黑酱油和1/3汤匙的胡椒粉 Braised preserved vegetables with 1 tbsp of rock sugar, 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 tbsp of oyster sauce, ½ tbsp of dark soy sauce and 1/3 tbsp of pepper powder for about 5 minutes

- 腌制猪肉的调味料有少许的白醋,料酒和黑酱油 Marinate pork with some vinegar, cooking wine and dark soy sauce
- 把炸好的猪肉浸泡冷水10-20分钟,再用半汤匙的黑酱油,一汤匙的酱油,半汤匙的胡椒粉和糖调味 Soaked the pork in cold water after fried, for 10-20 minutes. Seasoning the pork with ½ tbsp of dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp of soy sauce, ½ tbsp of pepper powder and ½ tbsp of sugar

*大火蒸半小时,中小火蒸1小时半 Steam it with high heat for half an hour, medium to low heat for 1 hour and half

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