蘿蔔糕做得好食😋重點竅門🧧你要知 💯%成功👍簡單易做 快靚正👍Turnip cake(Simple)蘿蔔糕😋雪白有口感👍製作全部過程 新手無難度🤝芋頭糕 年糕 🧧自己做完全唔同食法

Описание к видео 蘿蔔糕做得好食😋重點竅門🧧你要知 💯%成功👍簡單易做 快靚正👍Turnip cake(Simple)蘿蔔糕😋雪白有口感👍製作全部過程 新手無難度🤝芋頭糕 年糕 🧧自己做完全唔同食法

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


1. 滾水烚臘腸臘肉2分鐘去塵埃。
2. 蘿蔔刨皮,切幼條,加入1茶匙海鹽及500毫升煮熟。
3. 烚好臘腸臘肉,沖洗乾淨。
4. 臘腸臘肉盡量切細粒,放入碗中。
5. 蝦米用水浸3分鐘,沖洗乾淨。
6. 臘腸攪碎鋪上蘿蔔糕面。
7. 蘿蔔煮至透明,表示熟透。
8. 熄火,攤凍。
9. 用中火,炒香臘腸粒、臘肉粒、蝦米、冬菇及瑤柱,放入碗中。
10. 蘿蔔水已攤凍,開漿粉。
11. 半包粘米粉,加入蘿蔔水,攪至完全溶化。
12. 將漿粉水,加入蘿蔔條中, 加入少許胡椒粉,攪勻。
13. 加入蝦米,臘腸粒及臘肉粒,一同攪拌。
14. 預備一個器皿。
15. 掃油在器皿內。
16. 倒蘿蔔糕漿。
17. 用錫紙封好器皿。

1. 煲滾1鑊水。
2. 另一邊,煲滾1煲水。
3. 放蘿蔔糕落鑊。
4. 用大火蒸1小時。
5. 蒸了大約25分鐘,加滾水入鑊中。
6. 蒸了大約50分鐘,打開錫紙,加入蝦米、臘腸粒及臘肉粒,再蒸10分鐘。
7. 蘿蔔糕已蒸了一小時,現在可食用了。如果要煎食,先攤凍蘿蔔糕,放雪櫃雪一晚,切開蘿蔔糕,即可煎食。

Turnip cake:

White radish 3 catty
Rice flour 250g
Chinese sausage 4 slices
Preserved pork 1/2 slice
Dried sea shrimps 3 tbsp

1. Boil up a pot of water, put Chinese sausages and preserved pork into the water, cook for 2 minutes removing dust on them.
2. Peel white radish, thinly sliced, put 1 tsp sea salt and 500ml water. Boil them up.
3. Soak Chinese sausages and preserved pork well, rinse thoroughly.
4. Dice Chinese sausages and preserved pork as small as you can. Put them in a bowl.
5. Soak dried sea shrimps for 3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
6. Mince Chinese sausages and put on top of turnip cake.
7. White radish has been transparently cooked, that means it has been cooked well.
8. Turn off fire. Wait for cooling down.
9. Fry diced preserved sausages, diced preserved pork, dried sea shrimps, mushrooms and dried scallops well at medium flame. Put them all in a bowl.
10. White radish syrup has been cooled down. Prepare rice flour syrup.
11. Mix 250g rice flour with white radish syrup until flour has been totally melted in syrup.
12. Mix flour syrup with sliced radish and little pepper well.
13. Mix dried sea shrimps, diced Chinese sausages and preserved pork well.
14. Prepare a dish.
15. Brush little oil on dish.
16. Pour white radish syrup into it.
17. Wrap the dish with an aluminous foil well.

1. Boil up a wok of water.
2. Boil one more pot of water on the other side.
3. Put turnip cake into wok.
4. Steam cake at high flame for an hour.
5. After steaming for 25 minutes, pour boiled water into wok.
6. After steaming for 50 minutes, unwrap aluminium foil, put dried sea shrimps,.diced Chinese sausages and diced preserved pork. Steam for 10 minutes more.
7. Turnip cake can be served as it has been steamed for 1 hour. If you want the fried one, put turnip cake into fridge for 1 night, cut well, get it fried, then serve.



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