Xingyiquan - Training Santi Shi to change the Tendons

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Xingyiquan - Training Santi Shi to change the Tendons

The Xingyi Boxing Manual by Jin Yunting Has been translated into English in two different versions. The second translation has additional pages from the original text that were deleted in the first version. The translations are actually different as well as the layout of the book. The layout of the first book is very useful for training. The second paragraph on page XIX has a translation of the forward written by Zheng Guangzhao . I will quote it here for you now so that we may reference it in our discussion.

" I have found this quite remarkable and said to our teacher that he was not only good at fighting arts, but also skilled in healing arts. In answer, our teacher lectured us, saying: "all in the martial arts in the world originated with Damo. Yueh Wumu ( Yueh Fei) of the song dynasty looked back to and combined the essence of the two classics written by Damo - " the muscle tendon changing classic" and " the marrow washing classic " to create Xingyi Boxing. No matter whether you look at it straightforward or roundabout, complicated or confused , it all comes down to using intention to create form and using form to create Qi . This is the essence of what I have learned"

Zheng said quite a bit in that little paragraph but I would like to address the notion that the two Shaolin classics were combined to create Xingyi Boxing. This manual presents the Seven Words and Twenty One Methods of training Santi Shi. The first word is Ding and it refers to Pressing upward the fingertips, the head, and pressing the tongue to the roof of the mouth. The second word is Kou and it refers to securing or seating the wrist the shoulders and the feet. Some translations will also say the hips. The first exercise in the second muscle tendon changing classic is used to stimulate the flow of prenatal Chi. This exercise has the pulling up and back of the fingertips in opposition of the palms pressing down and out to create tension on the tendons/sinews. When the first two words are applied to Santi training you are creating the same environment in your arms and body that you are in the first of the muscle tendon changing exercises from the second set. The standing training can be approached in many ways and this is simply one of the ways of refining that approach and multitasking. This type of training is best performed in the spring time while facing east. Santi is normally performed facing south while approaching noon. The sun is aligned directly over your head when it is noon. The posture is then trained facing north as one approaches midnight; again this is an alignment. The Yin and Yang energies are at their highest during those periods approaching noon and midnight. They are known as Tai Yang and Tai Yin respectively. This is because they are the extreme of Yang and the extreme of Yin and therefore the energy is plentiful for harvesting and collecting. these are some little details that are useful in expanding your training as well as ensuring the best harvest.


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