The Wayward Sailors Ep. 13: Yacht rebuild update (part 1)

Описание к видео The Wayward Sailors Ep. 13: Yacht rebuild update (part 1)

We've been very lax with editing and uploading our YouTube episodes. That doesn't mean we've been slacking off though! In this episode we show you some of what we've been up rebuilding our 60ft steel yacht, Cape Petrel, which includes:

- Refurbishing the chain locker (removing rust, replacing roof/ floor, sandblasting and painting);
- jackhammering the concrete out of the keel & removing the existing steel ballast & sandblasting and painting the keel and septic tanks;
- dangling Indie upside down by her feet; and
- removing all 22 portholes and 11 pilot house windows and bogging up the window sills and painting the frames then reinstating brand new tempered glass windows.

The biggest mistake we've made (so far) is we removed the windows in May 2021. Perth had its wettest winter in 32 years in 2021. The new windows weren't ready until October 2021. This meant we had about 5 months of covering Cape Petrel with tarpaulins trying to keep the water out. We even drilled holes in the bottom of the keel for drainage (welded them up since).

Massive thanks to everybody who has been, and still is, helping us out. This "refit" turned into a complete rebuild and all the legends lending us their time, expertise and labour have been keeping the ship afloat. Special mention to Kev & Kingy for sorting us out the new windows, Peter and Hamish for painting and advising us and, of course, to Indie for trusting us to pull you back out of the keel once we'd lowered you in!

Soon we will be sailing!

Tracks are Foo Fighters - Big Me (RIP Taylor Hawkins) and Mondo Rock - State of the Heart


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