How to Cook Rice to Lower Arsenic Levels

Описание к видео How to Cook Rice to Lower Arsenic Levels

Boiling rice like pasta reduces arsenic levels, but how much nutrition is lost?

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At this point I can imagine you thinking: “wait, so should we avoid rice or not?” I’m getting there. First I’m just laying out the issue. Here’s the last six on the topic if you’re interested:
• Where Does the Arsenic in Chicken Come From? (
• Where Does the Arsenic in Rice, Mushrooms, and Wine Come From? (
• The Effects of Too Much Arsenic in the Diet (
• Cancer Risk from Arsenic in Rice and Seaweed (
• Which Rice Has Less Arsenic: Black, Brown, Red, White or Wild? (
• Which Brands and Sources of Rice Have the Least Arsenic? (

Six more to go:
• Arsenic in Infant Rice Cereal (
• Arsenic in Rice Milk, Rice Krispies, and Brown Rice Syrup (
• How Risky is the Arsenic in Rice? (
• How Much Arsenic in Rice is Too Much? (
• Is White Rice a Yellow Light or Red Light Food? (
• Do the Pros of Brown Rice Outweigh the Cons of Arsenic? (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Icons created by Juraj Sedlák from The Noun Project.

Image credit: gosheshe via Flickr
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