Watch on "Break Up': how to overcome on in Bangla by
Psychiatrist Dr Mekhala Sarkar,
MBBS, FCPS(Psychiatry)
Fellow, World Psychiatrists Association (WPA) (Turkey),
International Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (USA),
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, NIMH, Dhaka.
Chamber: Health and Hope Hospital. 152/2/G Green Road, Panthopoth, opposite to Samorita. for serial 09611996699
A relationship breakup, or simply just breakup,[1] is the termination of a relationship by any means other than death. Susie Orbach (1992) has argued that the dissolution of dating and cohabiting relationships can be as painful as or more painful than divorce because these nonmarital relationships are less socially recognised. Kamiar-K. Rueckert argues with the works of Donald Winnicott that the ability to be alone is an essentially healthy sign of emotional development and maturity. Once a child has obtained closeness and attachment by his early caregivers, he or she is able to develop autonomy and identity. If children have not introjected the good and protective qualities of their parents, they will fear separation and break-ups. Individuals who had just recently experienced the dissolution of a romantic relationship reported several symptoms of acute psychological distress. These included flashback and intrusive memories associated with their partner, often triggered by important dates associated with either the relationship or the breakup. These intrusive distress symptoms manifested in various ways for both the individual who initiated the breakup and their partner, such as being reminded of certain aspects of their behavior or their preferences.
Another set of psychological distress symptoms that were reported by individuals who had experienced a romantic relationship breakup fell under the category of avoidance behavior. Being without their partner causes their self-concept to shift as they struggle through emotional distress. This involves an active attempt at denying or ignoring the circumstances of the current situation, or those that led to the dissolution of the relationship. In relation to this, individuals also noted feeling numb and uninterested with the world around them because of the breakup.
The combination of this desire to engage in avoidance behaviors and the intrusive memories that may naturally come up cause individuals to feel significant emotional swings and outbursts in the form of irritation, anger, and startle responses. Individuals were noted as being far more paranoid, suspicious, and jealous, often tied towards a desire to know information about their ex-partner.
Overall, these psychological distress symptoms come together to result in a significantly lower level of self-esteem among individuals who have just undergone the dissolution of a romantic relationship.
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Face book page: / mekhala.sarkar.psychiatrist
Dr Mekhala Sarkar
MBBS, FCPS(Psychiatry)
Fellow, World Psychiatrists Association (WPA) (Turkey),
International Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (USA),
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, NIMH, Dhaka.
Chamber: Popular Diagnostic Ltd. House #16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka 1205. For Appointment, Contact: 01716-216676
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