GBO2: Mass Produced Nu [F.F.], Mixed Maps

Описание к видео GBO2: Mass Produced Nu [F.F.], Mixed Maps

Mass Produced Nu Fin Funnel! The last Suit for the 6th anniversary event of GBO2, so it was a guarantee to roll if you did the 4 step up for 105 tokens total. The suit came with no bonus item though.

MP Nu [F.F.] Is a 600 Support MS that pretty much carries over the same stuff that MP Nu has, but a few changes. You keep the rifle that can do rapid shots for okay build stun x2.25 times before OH, or full charge for a stun x2 before OH. You get the same MP Nu bazooka as a secondary that hits pretty hard for an Insta stun, total of 5 rounds. The same wrist cannon that General MP has for the same x4 shots total before OH with good build stun. You also get the same saber and down wing animation as well, so its not so hard to down people. You also get the great value dodge roll! (Dodge roll but no I-frames) It's the only 600 Support to get this too.

The biggest change is the Backpack, Instead of the Incoms that MP Nu gets, you get the Nu funnels. These funnels are weird as they don't carry the same pattern as MP Nu's, or even normal Nu's. Once locked on they will chase after a target, and fire a total of 3 volley's before returning back to you. These volley's are in rapid succession, doing a high number of damage if all 3 volley's of the funnel's hit. They do however have shorter range and don't move if they miss, so you need to use the funnel's more wisely compared to the others. In exchange the funnel's have a very fast cool down time after use. They don't overheat after the 1st volley at all, and wont overheat if you fire again. This lets you launch your funnel's 3 times total before overheat. if you are desperate. You should NEVER be overheating these funnels at all, honestly, you shouldn't be. Their cool down is that great. Their build stun is garbage though for a total of around 30%. So you will have to pair this with other weapons like your BR, which i highly recommend, or your wrist cannon. The funnels also give you a shield that acts like Nu's shield as well, which is unheard of at 600. It absorbs all range type damage for a period of time or till the shield's HP is gone. It has a long cool down so be careful on timing it, don't wanna waste it.

Overall This suit is meta, right out the gate, you got the DPS to shoot down Anksha's. Great nuke damage and Damage over time, while having the power to defend yourself pretty well The biggest weakness is Gaplant I0, it gets MA paired with Offense system, meaning if it melee's you need to build enough build stun to stop it. Which you don't have the time nor build stun to do so. BE CAREFUL AROUND THIS RAID! Other then that you should be okay. I was able to actually shoot down BC's out of the air pretty consistently with Funnels + BR/Wrist cannon. or BR into Wrist cannon with your shield up. Bear in mind you are a medium ranged MS with 300m, so you might not be able to reach them all the time.

In fight 1 we fucked up, and didn't focus the support at the end. I also fucked up and should of hid instead of challenge the I0... I don't know what I was thinking but it is what it is... the second fight went much smoother though. I also got to S rank! and lost it later that day... Don't play Day 1 on a new MS guys. seriously... don't... I also changed clans.


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