Xing Cai - Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends - Chaos Mode

Описание к видео Xing Cai - Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends - Chaos Mode

Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends
Xing Cai
Chaos Mode

DW5 - King of Sadness
DW5 - Gloomy Shadow
WO - Fusion

[Maximization Setup]

Medium Weapon
Defense / Charge

Ice Orb
Tiger Amulet
Green Scroll
Wind Scroll
True Way of Musou
Dragon Arms

[Maximization Comments]
Extreme improvement from Dragon Arms
able to jump out of charge attack enables her to chain any charge attack w/ her JC
JC good escape move - eliminates charge recovery time
C3 and C1 have very good execution time, making them abusable for Musou filling and general offense
no practical advantages with light weapon
2nd normal has short reach -- can be risky in large crowds
Xing Cai has non-flinching property when hit by normal attacks, when she is attacking -- very good for when she gets hit because of her poor 2nd normal attack
some may consider a heavy weapon, but it sacrifices a lot of mobility for little gains in offense
a heavy weapon will often force Xing Cai to run around more to waste her first two normal attacks because they are just too slow in large crowds to use without getting hit
heavy weapon also limits Xing Cai's choices to only her C3
GLITCH - Dragon Arms treats her 3rd normal attack as a charge attack - you can jump out of her 3rd normal at any time - gives Xing Cai a bit more versatility with Musou filling.
Wind Scroll necessary
Ice Orb better than Fire Orb
Fire Orb gives Xing Cai a quicker consistent combo with C3 entry to start the fire and then a full regular Musou
referring to Musou Strength Ranking, she has one of the most powerful juggling Musous. One full regular Musou with this config will leave generics with a bit of health left -- a few hits or a short C3 away from defeat
offense without fire is not far from with fire -- especially since C3 is very quick with the Dragon Arms
Ice Orb gives 40% chance to cut offense by half
avg off speed w/ Ice Orb is better than the consistent off speed w/ Fire Orb
C3 covers great distance, and slashes in a CW direction -- approach blocking officers from the left - hit officers from behind
C5 has good approach applications, esp when paired w/ JC. If C4 freezes officer, JC is useful to quickly get close to the officer for Musou
time lag between 1st and 2nd Musou strikes is marginal for connecting properly
2nd Musou strike begins on her left - if officers are positioned accordingly, it is possible to avoid Musou failures w/ the officer dropping to the ground (shown at Cao Ren)
C1 linked with JA or JC gives quick and safe short duration attack
running attack VERY useful for dismounting officers
C3 connection in massive crowds much harder -- leads to slower offense
But C3 misses, have very quick reversal -- just JC out of the combo
Reversal shown at Cheng Pu

[Tier List Comments]
Xing Cai a high-mid tier character
variable but fast consistent combo against generics
if Ice fails her offense is C3 - full Musou - short C3
if Ice succeeds her offense is C3 - half Musou
against playable officers if Ice succeeds on C3, then Musou will defeat the officer
fast offense vs generics with 40% chance of 1-Musou-KO against playable officers
VERY good vs archers -- C3 mobility makes her hard to hit, and non-flinching ability makes her resilient
careful with 2nd normal against multiple officers, but multiple officer scenarios generally gives Xing Cai no added difficulties
VERY good vs mounted officers
C3 and Musou connection can be affected in massive crowds -- makes her offense a bit slower either with retries


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