Recording: Team Coaching Supervision: The Hygiene Factor for Team Coaches

Описание к видео Recording: Team Coaching Supervision: The Hygiene Factor for Team Coaches

ICF Bengaluru Charter Chapter’s Team and Group Coaching Community of Practice hosted a Masterclass on “Team Coaching Supervision: The Hygiene Factor for Team Coaches” Facilitated by Inga Bielinska on June 26th 2024 from 7pm IST to 8:30pm IST
Team Coaching Supervision is essential for maintaining a coach's effectiveness and ethical standards. This workshop highlights the importance of regular supervision in enhancing team coaches' skills, ensuring they operate at peak performance within complex team dynamics. Participants will explore what team coaching supervision is, how consistent supervisory practices are not only supportive but crucial for sustained effectiveness and ethical conduct.
The session is designed to equip team coaches with the tools and insights necessary to handle the complex aspects of team coaching with integrity and precision.
Key Learning Objectives:
1. Ethical Practice Mastery: Participants will deepen the understanding of coaching ethics and standards, particularly in team settings by learning to maintain trust and clarity when navigating multiple coaching roles, enhancing both transparency and effectiveness.
2. Cultivating a Coaching Mindset: Participants will discover how to foster an open, curious, and flexible mindset that remains client-centered.
3. Reflective Practice and Supervision Utilization: Participants will learn the importance of reflective practice facilitated by supervision and they will understand how a supervisor serves as an impartial observer, aiding in reflective processes vital to improving one’s influence on team dynamics.
This masterclass included a demo on Team Coaching Supervision.


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