太極氣功十八式關節操(林厚省大師)連招式名稱廣東話稱述 Tai Chi 18 Styles with each Chinese style name and Cantonese narration.

Описание к видео 太極氣功十八式關節操(林厚省大師)連招式名稱廣東話稱述 Tai Chi 18 Styles with each Chinese style name and Cantonese narration.

林厚省氣功大師,在幾十年前, 拍攝的太極氣功十八式, 雖然係舊式的錄影帶視頻, 但當時配的中式音樂節奏, 有旁人講述每一招式,同特別有另一位提示呼吸配合動作。相信現在所有其他的太極操視頻,還未能做到。我跟這個視頻做咗二十多年了, 每次都可以閉起眼睛來做。閉起双眼睛你就可以感覺到每個關節及肌肉的動作。因為双眼沒有給外境騷擾。你的感覺神經感應全身運作會體驗好多。這太極十八式,看起來很簡單易做,很多人捨易取難, 周圍找名師視頻學習。其實最重要是有恆心天天都做便收到效果。此視频是本人多年前將舊式錄影帶用新科技轉為MP4, 加上中文招式名稱同粵語招式音頻, 方便大眾。同林厚省大師發揚光大。並無收取任何利益。特此聲明。Master Lin Housheng, the qigong master, filmed the 18 Tai Chi Qigong exercises decades ago. Although it is an old-style videotape video, at that time, the rhythm of Chinese music was accompanied by narrated breathing matches movement. I believe that no other Tai Chi exercise videos have been able to do it. I've been followed to do this exercise for over twenty years, and I can do it with my eyes closed every time. Close your eyes and you can feel the movement of every joint and muscle movement. Because the eyes are not disturbed by the outside world. Your sensory nerves will experience a lot when your whole body works. These 18 Tai Chi poses seem to be very simple and easy to do. But many people not choosing the easy but the difficult, and tried to find famous teachers around to learn the difficult ones. In fact, the most important thing is to have perseverance and do it every day to get results. This video is an old-style videotape that I converted to MP4 with new technology many years ago, added the Chinese style names, and narrated the Cantonese style audio, for the convenience of the public. Hope that it gave Master Lin Housheng more publicity for his great work. No benefits were received. Hereby declare.


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