Unlocking the Hidden Power of Teenage Relationships

Описание к видео Unlocking the Hidden Power of Teenage Relationships

Being a teenager, navigating the path into adulthood and forming an independent sense of identity can be complex.
Your relationship with them, however, can be an important vehicle through which they learn many of the key skills to successfully achieve this. Being more aware of how your relationship can do this will not only help you to understand more of your teenager’s behaviour, but will also assist them in managing their emotions, building confidence and knowing their value in the world.

In this lesson, we discuss:

- the ways in which the early experiences of care we offer our teenagers provide them with a template that will inform how they behave in all other relationships

- how your teenager’s experience of their relationships can shape their emerging identity and mental health

We finish with some ideas and strategies that you can incorporate into your relationship with your teenager. These will help them to know how much they are loved but also shape their behaviour so they can safely and healthily approach their adult lives with confidence and security.


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