Sympathetic and parasympathetic (neuroanatomy)

Описание к видео Sympathetic and parasympathetic (neuroanatomy)

As we're on the neuroanatomy train right now stuck at home in the garden let's talk about the autonomic nervous system, and in particular, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. They're on my to do list, but I feel like I've talked about this a thousand times as this is some fundamental neuroanatomy but it's not easy.

We'll talk about smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle, linking ideas of autonomic and somatic innervation, and describe how both sympathetic and parasympathetic parts are 2 neurone systems. We'll look at how the sympathetic neurones come out of the spinal cord, talk about the sympathetic trunk/ganglion/chain, rami communicantes, preganglionic and postganglionic neurones and the chemical neurotransmitters involved.

Then we can do the same for the parasympathetic side of things, and work out how parasympathetic innervation gets from the brainstem and the sacral spinal cord to the viscera of the head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis.

From this you can build up your knowledge as you study each region, organ or system of the body.

Lot's to do, but it's key stuff!

Music by Jahzzar
Album: HiFi City Tales
Song: Bodies


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