Purple Ginger Beer Recipe (Probiotic Drinks)

Описание к видео Purple Ginger Beer Recipe (Probiotic Drinks)

//Recipe (IND)
Resep untuk 1 liter botol (takaran tinggal digandakan untuk jumlah besar)
Bahan yang dibutuhkan:

Buat Ragi Jahe
- 35gr irisan jahe
- 40gr gula pasir
- 180ml air mineral
- Fermentasi selama 3 hari

Buat Purple Tea
- 80gr gula pasir (atau sesuai selera)
- 6-8pcs bunga telang
- 6-8pcs bunga rosella
- 5 iris jahe
- rebus 600ml air, masukan bahan diatas. Diamkan hingga dingin.
- Siapkan botol 1 liter, masukan 50ml ragi jahe, masukan purple tea, sisanya tambahkan air mineral secukupnya untuk memenuhi volume botol


//Recipe (ENG)
Make Ginger Bug
- 35gr ginger slices
- 40gr white sugar
- 180ml mineral water
- combine & mix ingredients into a glass/jar, ferment for 3 days

Make Purple Tea
- 80gr white sugar (to your taste)
- 6-8pcs purple pea flower
- 6-8pcs rosella flower
- 5pcs ginger slices
- Boiled 600ml water, combine all ingredients above. Let it cool.
- in 1 liter bottle, add 50ml ginger bug, add the 600ml purple tea, add mineral water to the remaining volume of the bottle

#probiotic #gingerbeer


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