卤肉饭 Braised Pork Rice | 一碗白饭够吃吗 | Mr. Hong Kitchen

Описание к видео 卤肉饭 Braised Pork Rice | 一碗白饭够吃吗 | Mr. Hong Kitchen

大家好 我是Mr. Hong
这一期给大家带来一道很下饭的菜肴 卤肉 ,做法非常简单 跟着步骤 一定能煮出来 亲爱的朋友们 如果您喜欢我的烹饪视频 欢迎订阅 点赞 把视频分享出去
Mr. Hong 陆续出好菜

   • 鸡肉料理 Chicken Recipe  
   • 蔬菜/豆腐 料理 Vegetables Recipe  
   • 汤类 Soup  
   • 猪肉料理 Pork Recipe  
   • 饭类 粉类 面类料理 Rice/Noodles Recipe  
   • 点心/小吃  
   • 海鲜料理 Seafood Recipe  
   • 蛋类料理 Egg Recipe  

花肉 500 克 先切片再切小条
全熟蛋 6粒 可以多加
小葱头 10 粒 切丝
蒜头 3粒 切成蒜米

糖 30克
蚝油 2 汤匙
生抽 3 汤匙
米酒 2汤匙
水 500 毫升
五香粉 1/2 茶匙
胡椒粉 1 茶匙

Ingredients (Diana Aw)
1. Pork belly 500g cut small strips
2. Shallots x10 cut slices
3. Garlic x3 minced
4. Hard boiled egg x6

1. Sugar 30g
2. Oyster sauce 2tbsp
3. Light soya sauce 3tbsp
4. Rice wine 3tbsp
5. Water 500ml
6. Five spice powder 1/2tsp
7. Pepper 1tsp

1. Heat wok with oil and fry the shallots till golden brown. Drain and set aside
2. Heat wok and add in the pork belly. Stir fry till oil is extracted.
3. Add in garlic and stir fry till fragrant
4. Add in sugar and stir till dissolved
5. Add in oyster sauce and mix well
6. Add in light soya sauce and rice wine and mix well
7. Add in water, five spice powder, pepper and let it boil
8. Add in eggs and mix well
9. Then add in fried shallots
10. Cover lid and simmer for 45min
11. Remove lid and don’t off the heat, then cook for 10min for gravy to thicken
12. Serve and enjoy! 💕

0:00 介绍菜肴
0:10 处理花肉
0:34 准备材料/香料
1:40 炸小葱头
2:22 开始煮

Youtube Channel:
   / mrhongkitchen阿鸿厨房  

Mr. Hong Kitchen Facebook Page:
  / mrhongkitchen  

  / mrhongkitchen  

2.Cuitisan 各种保鲜盒 或 各种碗碟
3. 解冻盘
4. 铸铁锅
可以发消息给我们 : http://m.me/mrhongkitchen/

#卤肉饭 #卤肉 #饭 #BraisedPorkRice #BraisedPork #Rice
#Recipe #食谱 #MrHongKitchen #MrHong


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