Episode 4: Deep Core System

Описание к видео Episode 4: Deep Core System

When referring to our "core", most people are referring to the abdominal muscles.

The abdominals are prime movers, meaning they generate movement. We use our abdominals for activities like getting out of bed, carrying bags and of course movements including crunches and planks.

The core, or deep core actually differs from the abdominals, the core is a group of muscles which are anticipatory in nature. The core starts working before movement begins, the core anticipates the movement we are going to perform and generally will match the tension required to the task at hand.

Our deep core is composed of 4 structures including the pelvic floor (bottom), the respiratory diaphragm (top), the transversus abdominus (front) and multifidis (back).

The core is the anchor off which our limbs move and perform tasks from activities like walking, to lifting hundreds of pounds off the ground.

To learn more about Lisa Flanders, PT and the Bloom Integrative Health & Movement Centre Team, please visit: https://bloomintegrativehealth.ca/.

The contents of this video are for educational purposes only, and do not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your MD or Physiotherapist for advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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