Lattice 6 Minute Home Core Workout: Climbing Training Session - Floor Based!

Описание к видео Lattice 6 Minute Home Core Workout: Climbing Training Session - Floor Based!

Many of us find ourselves with the time and motivation to complete a core workout - but not always the fanciest of equipment! We've put together a 6 minute "Home core workout" routine that you can do with almost zero equipment. You just need a bit of floor space and a couple of suitable weights!

This routine can be completed in continuous cycles to create 6-12-18-24 minute work blocks, depending on how well conditioned you are. One thing to point out with core training is that you want to always try to keep a variety of planes of movement and work the entire core! A good quality, all-round routine that will serve you year in, year out, is one that stresses the abdominals, obliques and back. They're all an essential part of the climbing equation!

6 Key exercises:

1. Dish tuck (vary arm position for intensity)
2. Weighted twists (really extend the full range of movement!)
3. Weighted sit-ups (change weight or arm position)
4. Marching plank (keep those hips level!)
5. Dish variation (alter body angle for intensity)
6. Superman (most climbers will prefer elbows to the side)

This video is a little lead into the next videos - we've got a whole series on how to train at home on our channel!

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