Anti-Nutrients and Plant Toxins: The Truth About Lectins, Phytates, Oxalates, and More...

Описание к видео Anti-Nutrients and Plant Toxins: The Truth About Lectins, Phytates, Oxalates, and More...

PLANTS ARE KILLING YOU AND SUCKING NUTRIENTS FROM YOUR BODY!! This is a common claim among "animal-based" diet proponents and it has caused a lot of confusion for people.

So on this episode of the show I want to discuss the topic of anti-nutrients and toxic substances found in plant foods. In this episode we discuss

-What the different compounds are that are classified as "plant toxins"
-What foods these foods are found in
-How to reduce our exposure to these compuonds when appropriate
-How the fear-mongering around these compounds is harming poeple

And more.

Here are two papers outlining these topic in a lot more detail if you want to learn more.

Is There Such a Thing as “Anti-Nutrients”? A Narrative Review of Perceived Problematic Plant Compounds:

Antinutrients: Lectins, goitrogens, phytates and oxalates, friends or foe?:


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