Chinese Braised Beef Brisket With Radish 柱侯蘿蔔炆牛腩

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Chinese Braised Beef Brisket with Radish

800 grams beef brisket
600 grams daikon radish
3 scallions
5 sliced ginger
3 cloves of garlic
3-1/2 cups of water
20 grams rock sugar
2 bay leaves
2 stars anise
1 tablespoon Shaoxing wine

3 tablespoons Chu Hou paste
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon oyster sauce

1. Peel and cut the daikon radish then set aside.

2. Slice ginger, cut off the scallion, chop the green onion and set aside. Crush garlic with the flat of a knife and the heel of your hand, peel the skin and set aside.

3. Bring a pot of water to boil, add beef brisket, 2 sliced ginger, 1 scallion and blanch for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse the beef brisket under cold running water and pat dry. Cut the beef brisket into 1"x1" cube.

4. In a mixing bowl, add Chu Hou paste, soy sauce, oyster sauce and mix well.

5. Preheat a dutch pot or hard-bottom pot over medium high heat, add 1 tablespoon cooking oil, ginger, scallions and stir for 1 to 2 minutes. Add beef brisket, Shaoxing wine, Chu Hou sauce and stir until well combine. Add bay leaves, star anise, 3-1/2 cups of water and bring to boil. When it comes to boil, add rock sugar, cover, reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 30 minutes.

6. After 30 minutes, add daikon radish, cover and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes. At last, open the lid, turn the heat to high, add corn starch water and stir until thicken. Garnish with chopped green onion and serve.


800克 牛仔腩
600克 白蘿蔔
3條 蔥白
5片 薑
3瓣 蒜
3-1/2杯 水
兩片 月桂葉
兩粒 八角
20克 冰糖
1湯匙 紹興酒

3湯匙 柱侯醬
1湯匙 醬油
1茶匙 蠔油

1. 將白蘿蔔削皮然後滾刀切. (白蘿蔔削深一點, 容易烹煮及去除苦味.)

2. 將薑切成五片, 青蔥切去蔥綠部分然後切碎, 蔥白部分留待備用. 將蒜用背拍碎備用.

3. 燒熱一鍋水, 加入牛仔腩, 兩片薑, 一條蔥白然後出水十分鐘. 十分鐘過後, 將牛仔腩洗淨然後切件備用.

4. 碗中加入柱侯醬, 醬油及蠔油攪拌均勻備用.

5. 預熱厚底鍋, 加入一湯匙油將薑及蔥白炒香然後下牛腩, 紹興酒, 柱侯醬汁炒勻. 加入月桂葉, 八角及3-1/2杯水煮滾後, 加入冰糖, 調至中小火, 蓋上蓋子炆半個小時.

6. 半小時後, 加入白蘿蔔炆30至45分鐘. 最後打開蓋子, 調高至大火然後加入生粉水埋獻即可.


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