為什麼醫生不建議我吃純素?(因為他們不懂)DOCTORS WARN AGAINST VEGAN DIET | Jon Venus

Описание к видео 為什麼醫生不建議我吃純素?(因為他們不懂)DOCTORS WARN AGAINST VEGAN DIET | Jon Venus


Many doctors are just like us— the less they know, the more stubbornly they know it. However, there are also more and more doctors that are willing to accept the fact that animal products can be the ROOT of many evils. They are now prescribing a vegan diet to their patients as a replacement for medicine: http://latestvegannews.com/plant-base...

★ 臉書挑戰 #純素30天活動:   / vegan30  

★ #21天健康挑戰​ https://21dayhealthychallenge.net/

★ #Suiis素易 素食超容易​ http://www.suiis.com/

◆ #台灣素食營養學會(必收藏營養資訊): http://www.twvns.org/


★ #Plant-Based Dietitian​   / plantbaseddietitian  

★ #PCRM   / pcrm.org   & http://www.pcrm.org/

★ #FORKS OVER KNIVES​   / forksoverknives  

★ Videos by #NutritionFacts.org: http://nutritionfacts.org/videos

◆ #Challenge 22+​   / challengetwentytwo  

◆ #21-Day Vegan Kickstart​ http://www.pcrm.org/health/diets/kick...

● Original video:    • Видео  


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