droidcon SF 2018 - Getting Started with the Android NDK

Описание к видео droidcon SF 2018 - Getting Started with the Android NDK

Mozart Louis

Getting Started with the Android NDK

Getting started with the NDK is much easier now more than ever, allowing Android Developers to leverage the C++ language to write high performance, cross platform code.

We will deep dive into what the NDK contains, The Java Native interface (JNI), ABI's, great use cases of the NDK (Tensor-flow & Cocos2d-x) works and much more!

Content and programming organized by Ty Smith, GDE/GDG & Mobile Tech Lead Manager at Uber & Joaquim Verges, GDG & Android Tech Lead at Twitch.

Big thanks to our video sponsor Asana - https://asana.com/.

See you at droidcon SF 2019! November 18-19 @ Mission Bay Conference Center. Get your tickets here - https://droidconsf2019.eventbrite.com...


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