Pro Tip 30: Damper Lean

Описание к видео Pro Tip 30: Damper Lean

Grand damper wires are usually centered in the upper damper flange (or damper block), where they are locked in place with a screw. The damper technician also tries to center the wire in the damper guide rail bushing. However, many technicians are finding that by putting a very slight lean on the wire and making the wire lightly touch one side of the damper guide rail bushing, the dampers actually come up without the frantic movement that can be seen in slow-motion photography. This phenomenon is shown in this video, with instructions on how to minimize this movement. Furthermore, by doing this, you can also make the damper guide rail bushing a tiny bit larger so that your dampers will never stick! It does not wear out the guide rail bushing, as Jim can attest to after having done this for over 30 years.


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