18 Shibashi Qi Gong 太極氣功18式 - Grace Chui of Tai Chi Club Montreal

Описание к видео 18 Shibashi Qi Gong 太極氣功18式 - Grace Chui of Tai Chi Club Montreal

Sifu Grace Chui is demonstrating Shibashi (18 movements) Qi Gong

For more info about this Qi Gong: https://taichiclub.com/qigongref/

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The Montreal Tai Chi Club (non-profit organization) is a place for our members to learn and practice Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, Push Hands, Tai Chi Sword, Saber and Qi Gong.

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Shibashi (18 movement) qigong was created by Qigong master "Lin Hou Shen". There are 18 movements, which are simple and easy to learn compared to Taijiquan, but it consists of taijiquan's feature of spirit, softness, stretching and graceful, with intention induce qi, harmonize qi and blood, thereby dredge the meridians, circulation channels, to prevent disease and prolong life. Suitable for any ages. The road lead to success is persevere and repeat practicing!

太極氣功18式 由氣功師「林厚省」所創,共有十八節,每節只有一個簡單的動作,比太極拳更為簡單、易學,但動作雖簡單,卻又包含著太極拳均勻、柔和、舒展、優美、意氣相隨的特點。是太極拳招式與氣功的調身,調心,調息,相配合。以意引氣,意氣相隨。從而疏通經絡.調和氣血。能達到治病強身延年! 老少皆宜。貴在持之以恆。


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