美食台 |零技術含量的懶人菜,竟如此好吃!

Описание к видео 美食台 |零技術含量的懶人菜,竟如此好吃!

In the first lunar month, dining tables are full of various meat. After days of gormandizing, you may want to relax your stomach a little. So today we are going to teach you this “lazy dish” from Sichuan called Lianguozi, which is made from only pork and turnip. Boil a whole piece of marbled pork until it’s basically done and then slice it. Put some sliced turnip into the broth and cook until they are softened. Add the pork again, cook with the turnip for a while and the dish is done. A dipping sauce made from chili powder and broad-bean paste can add a different flavor to it.


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