Pancha Kosha - Five Sheaths that CANNOT Cover Atma

Описание к видео Pancha Kosha - Five Sheaths that CANNOT Cover Atma

The five koshas - food, prana, mind, intellect, and bliss - cannot cover atma because atma pervades the universe. Understood according to the non-dual teachings of advaita Vedanta, such as those taught by Shankara, each kosha is a locus of identification, ignorance, and wrong conclusions about atma, the true self, sat chit ananda, limitless eternal consciousness.

annamaya kosha = body anna = food
pranamaya kosha = physiological energy prana = life force
manomaya kosha = mind manas = mind
vijnanamaya kosha = intellect vijnana or buddhi = intellect
anandamaya kosha = bliss

Swami Tadatmananda is a traditionally-trained teacher of Advaita Vedanta, meditation, and Sanskrit. For more information, please see:


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