16 Jump Rope Tricks From Beginner to Advanced

Описание к видео 16 Jump Rope Tricks From Beginner to Advanced

Get Your Own Jump Rope►http://bit.ly/1vnCrUM
Jumping rope is a great cardio workout that also helps to improve your agility and footwork. So whether you're into MMA, boxing, or crossfit, you better be skipping rope daily! Here are 16 jump rope tricks from beginner to advanced -- how many can you do?

Created with Coach's Eye. Try it out►http://www.coachseye.com

If you mess up at first, that's normal. You have to find your rhythm before you can pick up the speed or the difficulty of the trick. Like anything else: practice makes perfect!

Get Coach's Eye: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/coach...

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