Sexual Harassment In The Workplace | Employment Law Solicitors

Описание к видео Sexual Harassment In The Workplace | Employment Law Solicitors

Head of Employment Law at Stephensons Philip Richardson provides guidance on sexual harassment in the workplace, highlighting what constitutes harassment and what employers and employees should do if they find themselves in these circumstances.

Philip covers topics including:

What would you say sexual harassment is in regards to the workplace and employment law context?
Examples of what might be considered sexual harassment
What are the general concerns people come to you with?
How would you approach a claim that somebody brings to you?
What should an employee be mindful of when making a claim?
How would you assist an employer if a claim was brought forwards?
Why should someone struggling with this issue come to Stephensons?
How does Stephensons usually get involved in cases like this?
How are Stephensons well placed and experienced for cases like this?

For more information about sexual harassment at work and how our team of specialist employment law solicitors can assist please visit our website using the link below, you can also call us directly on 0333 323 3760:


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