95 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout (Diversion Edition)

Описание к видео 95 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout (Diversion Edition)

This is an edited video of one of our Sunday rides which returns along the standard route: Melbourne's 'famous' Beach Road. This time however we were diverted from the Beach Road a couple of times, which disrupted the rhythm a little, but gave us a break both out and back. We try to average 40+kmh, but these days we are getting slower...

It's got a generic soundtrack, so put your own music on if you don't like it! If you enjoyed the workout, (some have done them multiple times!), donate here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... (or use the link on the banner at the top of the channel page). Any donations will go towards the all-important hot-weather hydration requirements of the CTX Crew, and if we get sufficient, we'll try and get another workout video happening. #ctxcvideos

Our other training videos include:
20 minute workout:    • 20 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
25 minute workout:    • 25 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
30 minute workout:    • 30 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
35 minute workout:    • 35 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
40 minute workout:    • 40 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
45 minute workout:    • 45 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
50 minute workout:    • 50 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
55 minute workout:    • 55 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
60 minute workout:    • 60 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
70 minute workout:    • 70 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout (All...  
75 minute workout:    • 75 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
90 minute workout:    • 90 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout  
2 hour workout:    • Two Hour Indoor Trainer Workout  
..and more if you look through the channel.

Royalty Free Music Credits:
"Copyright Free Cardio Workout House Music Track 2023 (130 bpm 32 count) - by @Soletrait" by 'DJ SOLETRAIT':    • Copyright Free Cardio Workout House M...  
"130 BPM Cardio Workout Music Track (House, Techno, Electronic) No Vocals by Soletrait Copyright Free" by 'DJ SOLETRAIT':    • 130 BPM Cardio Workout Music Track (H...  


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