Full video, with notations: Thornton Township Board Meeting 08/20/24

Описание к видео Full video, with notations: Thornton Township Board Meeting 08/20/24

Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard seems determined to erode the trust of the residents — even residents who are most likely to support her. She sent an email urging people to attend the meeting and make their voices heard. The email gave the wrong time for the meeting (on purpose?). The people showed up anyway, only to be segregated into two different meeting rooms. The people showed up at 5 p.m. for a meeting they were told would start at 5:30 p.m., but which was actually scheduled for 6 p.m., and which didn't start until 7 p.m.

This video includes an intro by Lansing Journal Publisher Melanie Jongsma and then picks up just before the official start of the meeting. Motions, seconds, and votes are annotated to provide clarity about the proceedings. The video and links to referenced stories are included in this article on our website: https://thelansingjournal.com/2024/08...

0:00 - Introduction by Melanie Jongsma
6:52 - Meeting starts with instructions from the security officer
7:56 - Trustee Darlene Gray Everett arrives
8:26 - Supervisor Tiffany Henyard instructs the public
10:51 - Clerk Loretta Wells calls the roll
11:55 - Discussion about approving budgets for the General Fund and General Assistance Fund (Ultimately, Henyard's budgets were tabled)
17:38 - Discussion about approving bills for the General Fund (Ultimately, an amended motion was passed, and specific bills were not approved for payment)
25:06 - Motion to approve bills for the General Assistance Fund (Motion passed)
25:45 - Motion to approve bills for the Road and Bridge Fund (Motion passed)
26:06 - Motion to approve an amended Ordinance 24-005 to regulate event expenditures and budget approvals (Motion passed)
38:40 - Motion to approve an amended Ordinance 24-006 to Establish a Retail/Credit Card/Net 30 Policy (Motion passed)
55:11 - Discussion about approving the retainer agreements with Leinenweber Daffada & Sansonetti, LLC (LDS) (A motion to table the agreements was passed)
01:03:14 - Supervisor Report
01:06:06 - Public comment
01:06:43 - Public comment - Dan Lee
01:09:59 - Public comment - Chris [name unclear]
01:11:25 - Public comment - Nate Fields
01:13:56 - Public comment - Jennifer Robertz
01:17:15 - Public comment - Paul Robertz
01:22:28 - Public comment - Thelma Price
01:26:31 - Public comment - Gardis Watts
01:29:29 - Public comment - Trena Downs
01:33:11 - Public comment - Janelle Taylor
01:36:48 - Public comment - Miss Carlor? [name unclear]
01:39:04 - Public comment - Michael Smith
01:43:35 - Public comment - Edna Boston
01:46:56 - Public comment - Valerie Stubbs
01:50:16 - Public comment - Nicole
01:53:41 - Public comment response - Emmanuel
01:58:19 - Public comment - [name unknown]
01:04:54 - Motion to adjourn

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