Showdown at the Thornton Township Board Meeting - July 16, 2024

Описание к видео Showdown at the Thornton Township Board Meeting - July 16, 2024

A self-described "majority" of the Thornton Township Board had requested that five new proposed ordinances be added to the agenda for discussion and vote. That request was ignored or rejected, and Supervisor Tiffany Henyard put together her own agenda. Her agenda include opportunities for approving bills for the General Fund, General Assistance Fund, and Road and Bridge Fund. Trustees Chris Gonzalez and Carmen Carlisle refused to approve bills until their proposed ordinances could be reviewed and voted on.

This video shows the entire meeting, with text bars indicating the points of the agenda and the various speakers. Following the adjournment, we interview Trustee Gonzalez about next steps for the proposed ordinances.
0:00 - Introduction
0:22 - Call to Order
0:30 - Roll Call (Trustee Jerry Jones absent)
0:47 - Pledge of Allegiance
1:08 - Approval of Minutes
1:59 - Approval of Bills - General Fund
20:11 - Approval of Bills - General Assistance Fund
21:26 - Approval of Bills - Road and Bridge Fund
23:31 - Old Business - Approving contracts
24:06 - Motion to Table Contracts
30:09 - Supervisor Report
38:57 - Public Comment (2)
43:40 - Motion to Adjourn - Supervisor Henyard and Trustee Gray-Everett leave
45:38 - Trustee Chris Gonzalez meets with media

The article including this video is posted on our website here:

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