Schuman, a vision for Europe

Описание к видео Schuman, a vision for Europe

Robert Schuman (1886-1963) is one of the « father founders » of the European Union soon after the Second World War. An exceptional political man, a sincere Christian, he welcomed the call to commit himself to politics as a real vocation. His spiritual journey and his vision for unity and reconciliation between the European nations can still inspire us today in each of our countries.
The proceedings for the beatification of Robert Schuman were opened in 1990 by the Bishop of Metz, in France, and are at the moment being processed in Rome.
This Net for God film is coming out at the same time when the European Elections, taking place 22nd to 25th May 2014, in order to elect the 751 European deputies representing the 28 States members of the European Union at the heart of the European Parliament.

Ce film est réalisé par la Communauté du Chemin Neuf via le réseau de international prière « Net for God ».

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