【Japanese Omelette Rice Recipe】How to make " Tenshinhan "天津飯

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Japanese Omelette Rice: Tenshinhan

Ingredients (for 1 person)
・1 cup of rice
・2 eggs
・1 shiitake mushroom
・1 crab stick
・1 green onion

・150cc water
・2.5g chicken stock soup base (Ajinomoto)
・10cc soy sauce
・5cc oyster sauce

・6g potato starch
・20cc water

・Appropriate amount of oil

・Cut the shiitake mushroom and green onion.
・Crack the eggs and add salt mix well.
・Add crab stick and shiitake mushroom. Mix well.
・Cook the mixed egg in a bit more oil.
・Put it on the rice.
・Water, chicken stock soup base, soy sauce and oyster sauce into the pan, and boil.
・Mix well the potato starch and water.
・Add potato starch mixture gradually once the sauce boils.
・Add the green onions.
・Pour the sauce over the rice.
#japanesefood #egg #rice


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