梅菜干炒肉🐷入口即化,肥而不腻,小时候就喜欢吃外婆做的这碗菜!💯Fried pork with preserved vegetables 🐷 fat but not greasy, delicious

Описание к видео 梅菜干炒肉🐷入口即化,肥而不腻,小时候就喜欢吃外婆做的这碗菜!💯Fried pork with preserved vegetables 🐷 fat but not greasy, delicious




Fried pork with preserved vegetables 🐷 It melts in mouth, fat but not greasy, I like to eat this bowl of dishes made by my grandmother when I was a child‼ ️💯

Ingredients: 500 grams of pork belly, scallion knots, a little cooking wine, 2 handfuls of preserved vegetables, 5 cloves of garlic, sliced ​​ginger, 6 dried chili, 1 handful of lump sugar, 2 star anises, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon salt, 300ml water

1) Put the pork belly in a pot with cold water, add ginger slices, scallion knots & cooking wine and cook until cooked, take out and slice it to cool
2) Prepare a bowl of warm water, soak the preserved vegetables for 10 minutes, squeeze out the water for later use
3) Put the sliced ​​meat into the hot pan, fry until the oil comes out, add ginger, garlic, dried chili, lump sugar, star anise, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of salt and fry until color
4) Add a little water and cook for 20 minutes, remember to stir on the way
5) Finally add preserved vegetables, stir fry and continue to cook for 2 minutes
6) The fragrant fried pork with preserved vegetables is ready ❤️


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