Collaborative annotation of large 3D images with WEBKNOSSOS

Описание к видео Collaborative annotation of large 3D images with WEBKNOSSOS

Collaborative annotation of large 3D images with WEBKNOSSOS | Norman Rzepka | October 18th, Halfway to I2K 2023

Authors: Norman Rzepka, scalable minds

Description: WEBKNOSSOS is an open-source tool for visualizing, annotating, managing and sharing large 3D image datasets. In this workshop, we will cover basics such as data upload, volume annotation (including AI-based segment-anything), skeleton annotation and data export. We will also include more advanced topics such as interacting with WEBKNOSSOS via the Python library, Zarr import and streaming. We will also give a sneak peak into upcoming features such as correlative multi-modal images, time series support, image alignment, and AI-based automatic segmentation.

Pre-Workshop Instructions: Please sign up for a free account on If you want, you can already upload some data before the workshop. Otherwise we will cover data preparation and upload in the workshop.

Keywords: annotation, segmentation, webknossos


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