Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Dummies

Описание к видео Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Dummies

Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Dummies | Aryeh Weiss | October 18th, Halfway to I2K 2023

Authors: Aryeh Weiss

Description: Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) tools are now available that allow non-experts to apply these technologies. This workshop describes one such dummy's experience applying ML and DL to segmentation of plant images and stem cross-sections. The tools that are discussed are ImageJ/Fiji, Ilasktik for ML, QuPath for annotation, and mianalyzer for DL. If time permits, we will demonstrate a jupyter script that allows mianalyzer to be run headless on a remote GPU cluster.

Keywords: machine learning, deep learning, mianalyzer, QuPath, Ilsastik, Fiji/ImageJ.


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