Supervision in Community Health Nursing Part I A - Simplified.

Описание к видео Supervision in Community Health Nursing Part I A - Simplified.

I. Introduction
There is an old saying that “which is not inspected…. is not done”.
Hence, inspection, overseeing and supervision arise in response to need inherent in the functioning of an organization.
a. Concept
• The word Supervision derived from two words ‘Super’ and ‘Vision’
‘Super’ means ‘above or over’ and ‘Vision’ means ‘see’
• It means ‘Overseeing’,
• Literally means – Birds’ view
b. Nature of Supervision
Supervision earlier conceived as inspecting and finding fault.
• Now the modern concept of supervision is to guide and help the subordinates in their work by training, educating, guiding and counseling.
c. Meaning
Observe, guide & modify
Supervision is primarily concerned with overseeing or watching the performance of workers or the subordinators at work under his control.
II. Definition
• “Supervision is guiding & directing the efforts of employees & other resources to accomplish stated work aspect/ objectives”.
( Terr & Franklin)
III. Principles
Please refer Part I B video - (Mnemonic Video)
1. To bring or develop personal and professional growth
2. Delivery of high quality of health care service.
3. Development of staff to their highest potential.
4. To interpret policies, objectives & needs etc.
5. To plan services cooperatively & develop coordination
6. To assist in the problem solving
7. To develop and maintain standards of service
8. To evaluate the services done or given.

Help the staff to….
1. do the job skillfully and effectively.
2. develop the individual capacity.
3. meet predetermined work objectives.
4. promote cost effectiveness
5. get motivated
6. identify problem and solve them.
7. develop team spirit and promote team work.
8. improve attitude towards work.
VI. Types of Supervision
• According the direction,
A. Direct Supervision
- Done through face to face talk with the workers.
B. Indirect Supervision.
- Done with the help of record and reports of the workers and through written instructions or through some other agency
2. According to the type actions or services
a. Administrative supervision
b. Clinical supervision(also called Educational supervision) and
C. Supportive supervision.
VII. Methods of Supervision.
Supervisor can use different methods in Supervision.
a. Technical Vs Creative Supervision
b. Co - operative Vs Authoritarian supervision
c. Scientific Vs Intuitive Supervision
• Techniques are based on three stages
Stage one - Preparation for supervision (Pre- supervision)
Stage two - Supervision
Stage three - Follow up of supervision (post supervision)
 Study of documents, Vision, Mission, Policy, Objectives, Strategies.
 Identification of priority (job / activates) for supervision
 Preparation of supervision schedule.
 Establishing good contacts.
 Review of the objectives, targets and norms
 Review the job description.
 Observe the staff’s motivation
 Observe for any actual or potential conflicts and solving
 Reorganization of time table/ work plan /duty roster
 Organizing IEP or CNE( In-service Education/ training programmes /Continuing Nursing
education programmes) for nursing personnel
 Initiating changes in logistic support or supply system
 Initiating actions for organizing staff welfare activities
 Counseling and guidance regarding career development and professional growth.

1. Observation
2. Interview and Questioning
3. Individual and group conferences
4. Performance Appraisal / Evaluation
5. Verbal and Written reports.
6. Orientation and guided experience
7. Manuals and protocols.
8. Others
a. Check list
b. Rating scales
c. Written policies
d. Anecdotal records
e. Follow up visits and evaluation
f. Staff meeting
g. In-service education etc.

X. Steps of Supervision
1. Define the job
2. Selecting & organizing activities
3. Anticipating difficulties
4. Establishing evaluation criteria
5. Selecting Methods of evaluation
6. Execution of methods
7. Evaluation
8. Budget Request

Thank You
Please watch Part II and III for the complete content of Supervision


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